Thursday, November 17, 2011

Scheduled Induction for Tuesday Nov. 29th

Joe started a new job with a great company called Red Ventures a few weeks ago and is still in the training process, so he works 12 pm to 9 pm for the next 2.5 months. I am trying not to go crazy since I am used to spending most of my time working. So I have been spending my days cleaning, cooking, baking, sleeping, and relaxing. I have even begun to put our Christmas decorations up a couple weeks early since I will most likely have my hands full very makes the hours and days go by a little bit faster.

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 40 week check up, and despite my wishes and hopes, Kendall doesn't look like she will be on time or all that close to on-time. Her heartbeat is still very strong, and she seems to be healthy, I suppose she just needs more time to "bake." The only change was that she had dropped a little more since the week before. My doctor informed me that she won't let me go more than a week over, so she has scheduled an induction for Tuesday November 29th at 5 am. I am kind of discouraged that I may not be able to have a naturally induced labor, so I am praying that Kendall will show up on her own sometime this week, but we are continuing to trust God because he knows what is best for us and Baby. In the meantime, we will continue to pray for her health, a safe delivery and prepare diligently for her arrival.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Eviction Notice
November 16, 2011

Dear Baby Kendall,

            You are hereby served the papers for eviction from your mother's womb. You have occupied said space for almost 40 weeks with no signs of change. In that time you have been a fairly easy-going and kind tenant: the noise and aggravation have consistently been at a minimum for a tenant of your size and stature. However, there are many perks that you have also enjoyed, including: free heating and water, endless meals and openness to park your feet and limbs wherever you wanted. The reasons for eviction, effective immediately, are as follows:

             1. Original End of Lease: Your lease will end on November 18, 2011. The landlord knows you may need some more time to muster the strength for your journey to the new home and anticipated your move-out date to be one of the following: November 17, 18, or 19. Definitely before Thanksgiving but hopefully between November 20 and 22. 
             2. Cramped Quarters: While the landlord, your mother, insists that you seem to have more space now than ever, it is understood that your living quarters are only becoming more cramped with each ounce you gain. It is understood that you continue to collect "necessary" household items, such as: more fat, more brain power and more strength for the move, so you are being given a few extra days, but after that time you will need to vacate.

              3. Breech of Contract: You are being evicted due to a breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions to the front of the house, within reasonable limits. were discussed and agreed upon with the landlords prior to occupation. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made without prior consent. Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. 

              4. Building maintenance: If you do not leave now, the landlord will need to make excessive concessions for building maintenance to keep the dwelling sound. Some of these punch list items are uncomfortable for both landlord and tenant. The mother is doing everything to coax you out before sending her doctor to come get you on Tuesday the 29th of November. Since said building will be occupied by another tenant somewhere in the future, the landlord is eager to begin maintenance, upkeep and significant renovations to the exterior.

              The parents would like to note, once again, that you have been a model tenant up until now. You have followed all of the house rules (within reason), minimally disturbed your landlady and have kept your mark to the interior and exterior of the building to a minimum. The landlords would like you to vacate the property within the day, but most certainly within the week. Due notice has been given and all leases have now ended.
               While the move will not be easy for tenant or for landlord, the Parents promise even better accommodations than before, with square footage beyond comprehension, warm meals every day and a warm and cozy environment. The Parents have also lowered your rent to smiles, chubby baby cheeks, and your status as "Child of Joe and Brittany Godfrey." The terms of your new lease: to be upheld by the parents, include but are not limited to: unconditional love, a healthy home, kisses and hugs and a family who will support you forever. 

Love, Your Landlords (Mom & Dad)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kendall's Nursery (Almost complete)

Here are the most recent pictures of Kendall's nursery. She should be here any day now! I am due this Friday, but only God knows when and at what time she will arrive. As each day goes by, Joe and I get more excited and more anxious, although I think those feelings are normal especially for first time parents. I will go to the doctor again tomorrow, so I will be sure to update everyone on any changes!

Kendall's crib and changing table/dresser
 Her Toy/Bookshelf
 Kendalls changing table/dresser
 Owl Canvas #3 (Acrylic on canvas)
 My most recent nursery project. Material collage on canvas. (I have had a lot of spare time on my hands since I haven't been working as much.)
Just a close-up of the collage

Friday, November 4, 2011

Two Weeks To Go, Maybe Less?

Two weeks to go...maybe less! Either way, my bags are packed and I am ready to go!! Although I have enjoyed this last stretch of my pregnancy, I am ready to be done being pregnant. My bag and Kendall's diaper bag are packed for the hospital, and we are installing the car seat this week. My belly button has popped out and I feel like Kendall should be done "cooking" soon. The nursery is ready for the most part, with the exception of the bedding, a new chair and a few other decorative aspects. We have our brand new pack and play set up in our bedroom complete with extra diapers, sheets and changing table pads for any late night changes. All of her clothing, blankets, toys, sheets etc have been washed/cleaned and are awaiting her arrival, so I am definitely ready. Of course, I'm not looking forward to the pain that comes with labor, but We can't wait to meet Kendall and experience the miracle of her birth!!

We go to the Doctor every week now, so Doctor Sal can keep an eye on my blood pressure, Baby's heartbeat, and any changes in my cervix. I am two weeks out and I am dilated a little over a centimeter, 75% effaced and Kendall is in the -2 position (Whatever that means). Needless to say, my body is preparing for labor, and because I have started to efface, our Doctor says we could have Kendall any day and that dialation can happen fast, so we will see what happens.                                

Today, I am feeling good. I have the day off and I have been in the mood to bake, so I am currently making oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips. For those who haven't had them, they are absolutely amazing! I'm sure it's not the healthiest thing I could make, but I don't bake very often, so I figured I would splurge a little bit. In between batches, I am working on my last canvas. I said I would post pictures of my elephant canvases when they were done, so here they are. (Don't laugh)
I decided to hang them above the crib, although I am considering hanging them with ribbon or gluing ribbon in between the brown border and circle background and maybe adding a little bow to make them more feminine. I haven't decided yet, so for now they will just hang on the wall as in.
 As I mentioned earlier, we don't have the bedding yet, but I pulled the elephants seen on the canvases from the bedding, so it will look more complete here in a bit. The picture below is our book/toy shelf. We plan to add some canvas bins to the bottom two shelves for added toy storage as Kendall gets older. More pictures to come, and I will continue to keep everyone updated on the labor status!!