Friday, November 4, 2011

Two Weeks To Go, Maybe Less?

Two weeks to go...maybe less! Either way, my bags are packed and I am ready to go!! Although I have enjoyed this last stretch of my pregnancy, I am ready to be done being pregnant. My bag and Kendall's diaper bag are packed for the hospital, and we are installing the car seat this week. My belly button has popped out and I feel like Kendall should be done "cooking" soon. The nursery is ready for the most part, with the exception of the bedding, a new chair and a few other decorative aspects. We have our brand new pack and play set up in our bedroom complete with extra diapers, sheets and changing table pads for any late night changes. All of her clothing, blankets, toys, sheets etc have been washed/cleaned and are awaiting her arrival, so I am definitely ready. Of course, I'm not looking forward to the pain that comes with labor, but We can't wait to meet Kendall and experience the miracle of her birth!!

We go to the Doctor every week now, so Doctor Sal can keep an eye on my blood pressure, Baby's heartbeat, and any changes in my cervix. I am two weeks out and I am dilated a little over a centimeter, 75% effaced and Kendall is in the -2 position (Whatever that means). Needless to say, my body is preparing for labor, and because I have started to efface, our Doctor says we could have Kendall any day and that dialation can happen fast, so we will see what happens.                                

Today, I am feeling good. I have the day off and I have been in the mood to bake, so I am currently making oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips. For those who haven't had them, they are absolutely amazing! I'm sure it's not the healthiest thing I could make, but I don't bake very often, so I figured I would splurge a little bit. In between batches, I am working on my last canvas. I said I would post pictures of my elephant canvases when they were done, so here they are. (Don't laugh)
I decided to hang them above the crib, although I am considering hanging them with ribbon or gluing ribbon in between the brown border and circle background and maybe adding a little bow to make them more feminine. I haven't decided yet, so for now they will just hang on the wall as in.
 As I mentioned earlier, we don't have the bedding yet, but I pulled the elephants seen on the canvases from the bedding, so it will look more complete here in a bit. The picture below is our book/toy shelf. We plan to add some canvas bins to the bottom two shelves for added toy storage as Kendall gets older. More pictures to come, and I will continue to keep everyone updated on the labor status!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the elephants!!! You did a great job! I'm going to need you to make me some elephants whenever I get married and have a kid! I miss you! You and Joe are in my thoughts and prayers! Love you!
