Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kendall is almost full-term!

I have finished my 36th week and began my 37th week. By this coming Friday, (October 28th) Kendall will be considered a full-term baby! That means it would be 100% safe for her to make an appearance at any time. I have been having pretty bad Braxton Hicks contractions during the days and nights for about two weeks, so I guess my body is preparing for labor. Joe and I went to the doctor last Wednesday and found out that I am a little over one centimeter dilated and around 50% effaced, so Doctor Sal thinks that there is a good chance Kendall may be here early! (I could only hope!) Then again, it could mean nothing too! She will come when she is ready, and in the mean time, I have been trying not to be overly anxious about her arrival and when that might be.

This week, I have began the "nesting" process. I started by washing all of the blankets, sheets, towels and clothes and spent the rest of the week organizing, cleaning, and boiling all of the plastic parts and pieces to things. I finally finished my baby closet dividers, and although they aren't perfect, they definitely helped to separate all of Baby's clothing.

I also finished the closet, although there's a good chance things will be moved around as I find what works best for Joe and I and Kendall.

This coming week will be a busy one between work, teaching, packing for the hospital, painting, our Maternity tour on Tuesday night and another Doctor's appointment on Wednesday, so I will keep everyone updated as I know more! In the meantime, I am going to try and relax as much as possible as I prepare for the big day! :)

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