Monday, June 27, 2011

18 weeks down, 22 to go!

Here is my 18th week belly picture. As you can see, my belly has grown a good bit larger since my last photo just a few weeks ago. I am starting to feel better which is a good sign, although heart burn and indigestion are still very apparent. On a fun note, this week I was able to feel Baby moving...or kicking should I say. I believe the technical term for it is "quickening". I couldn't tell what I was feeling at first, but when I figured out what it was, I was excited that I was being able to feel the little human inside me!
Fun Fact: She has gone from 5.5 to 10 inches this week due to the fact that she has uncurled and they measure from head to toe instead of head to rump.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are having a...

  Joe and I went to the doctor last Friday to find out what we were having. Now let me just say that I was 100% expecting a boy, because Joe comes from a line of boys...he has a brother, his Dad was one of three boys, and his Grandfather was one of six boys. Well, God had a different plan in mind for us, because we are expecting a little GIRL in November! Joe has already begun to worry about her dating and walking her down the aisle...I think he has a few years before he has to start thinking about that lol. 
  The name that we are pretty much set on right now is Kendall Braelyn Godfrey. Don't ask me where Braelyn came from, I have no idea. It popped in my head one day, and both Joe and I liked it, so thats what we are going with for now. 
  I have attached a few of our newest ultrasound pictures. Unfortunately, we couldn't get a clear face shot, because she was facing my back, but we will be going back to the doctor at 28 weeks for another round, so I may have some more clear pictures then. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

16 Weeks and counting!

I apologize that I haven't updated the blog lately. Most of you know I was in a car wreck this past week that totaled my car, so we have been dealing with insurance agents, adjusters and we are currently searching for a new car, so we will see what happens! Baby is okay though, but I have been really sick again this week, most likely due to stress and typical pregnancy symptoms. Hopefully it will pass least thats what everyone has been telling me. Speaking of Baby, we will be finding out the gender of Baby Godfrey next Friday! Joe and I are so excited and we will post something as soon as we know something.

This week Baby is the size of a big red onion, and about 5-1/2 inches long, curled up. He/She is starting to acquire eyelashes, hair and baby fat! (How cute!) They say that in week 17, the baby can hear everything outside the womb, and that I should start feeling movement soon! I will post another belly picture next week!